First Nations Partnership Building in Business Workshop
Thursday, 17 October
Members of the National Indigenous Business Chambers Alliance will deliver a comprehensive and interactive half-day workshop, followed by half of day of on-country cultural activities facilitated by a respected Traditional Owner.
Regardless of whether you are a small Indigenous start-up looking for financing or a multinational corporation seeking to partner with a local Aboriginal Corporation, the skill of partnership building is integral to the success of First Nations employment and economic development. Sometimes it’s as easy as picking up the phone and starting a conversation, but other times the process can be arduous due to red tape, community conflict, looming deadlines, gatekeepers, and much more.
This interactive post-Forum workshop will help you upgrade your partnership building prowess, no matter who you are working for. You may be looking to enter into negotiations with a Land Council, boost your organisation’s Indigenous procurement targets, make a deal to have your product stocked by a flagship all comes down to being confident that you have the skills necessary to navigate the murky waters of partnership building.
Learn from some of the best in the business who have won large commercial contracts on behalf of Indigenous businesses, represented large companies in dealings with Indigenous NFPs and small business, and advocated for community interests when the big end of town comes knocking.
On-Country Cultural Activities
Connection to Country is an integral aspect of mental, spiritual and physical wellness for many First Nations people. Land, water, and sky are the mouthpieces through which community can connect with ancestors and culture.
That is why this year, the second half of the First Nations Employment and Economic Development workshop will take place on-country, allowing attendees to learn the history and culture of this special corner of Australia, in a location that will soothe the eyes and heal the soul.
Workshop Facilitator
Adam Williams
Murri Chamber of Commerce
On-Country Facilitator
Steve Ulula
Millowl Dreaming
Workshop Agenda
Welcome and Introduction
Program Overview/Objectives
Introduction and Get to Know You Exercises
Introduction to facilitators
Introduction to delegates
Delegates to share any of the roadblocks they have experienced in building partnerships
Why are partnerships so important in the Indigenous business sector?
Understanding the core tenets of commercial and community partnerships
What are you looking to get out of the partnership?
What will your partners get out of the partnership?
How can this be best communicated to win over trust?
Role Playing Activity
Morning Break
Problem Solving and Compromise
What happens when you get a rejection or counterproposal?
What happens if your timelines are blown out?
Role Playing Activity
Debrief and Takeaways from Partnership Workshop
What have we learned?
What tactics and techniques can we incorporate next time we enter into partnership negotiations?
Why are partnerships so important in the Indigenous business sector?
On-Country Sessions
On-Country Deep listening circle
Afternoon Tea
Cultural Connection Activities
End of workshop